速報APP / 工具 / Knock lock

Knock lock





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Knock lock(圖1)-速報App

[Main Feature of Knock Lock]:-

==> This is really smart applock<=========

==> Provide best security and make your apps safe from others.<=========

==> Take a snapshot of the person who entered wrong password up to three times.<=========

==> Unlock sound enable/disable.<=========

==> Knock lock app: Create a pattern on knock to secure your phone screen.Also you can hide that screen.So, None can see guess your pattern while unlock the lock.<=========

==> Sound: If anyone enter wrong password so sound will be play with that you understand that someone wants to unlock your phone.<=========

Knock lock(圖2)-速報App

==> Forgot password: If you forgot your password than no need to worry.Go to forgot password and got mail for reset that password.<=========

==> User interface: There is great user interface which you love the most.<=========

[How to use or set password in app lock!]

==> First of all open and than enter your knock lock pattern.<=========

==> Choose the application from the list which you want to make secure or provide app lock.<=========

==> For Unlock : You have to tap your pattern on invisible knock lock screen.<=========

[How to use or set password in app lock]

Knock lock(圖3)-速報App

==>You may have a more secure lock screen with the application.<=========

==>You can select between 3-8 to knock the key.<=========

==>You can specify the location of the field to knock the lock screen<=========

==>You can choose to turn off animation.<=========

==>more secure lock screen with this application<=========

==> [You have No need to worry when giving your smart phone to friends and family when Knock Lock app lock installed in your phone.

Create a pattern on knock to secure your phone screen.

Knock lock(圖4)-速報App

There are four knocks set in a square pattern.]

Knock lock(圖5)-速報App